I posted the below in an email to Matt Taibbi with copies to some familiar public names.
If MT doesn’t follow up, perhaps some of them will. We can control the effort, but not the result.
I’m reposting here because CD readers may also be unaware of this material, but are perspicacious enough to not just ignore it. Only by more people actually understanding what is going on— the bigger picture of what has been going on-- do we have any chance of changing course and avoiding disaster.
To Matt Taibbi:
Regrettably, you and some notable others appear to be lost in the weeds. Very hard to believe it’s intentional, but…
Have the words "Fort Detrick" ever crossed your lips? Same re "DOD military countermeasures?”
Have you ever even heard of The Day Tapes?
The below references contain lots of critical puzzle pieces that unaccountably, appear to have been substantially ignored; intentionally or otherwise buried in silence by you and others we want to be paying closer attention.
You would meaningfully advance your knowledge and understanding—and our faith in the future-- by at least considering them.
As one of the few remaining honest “objective” journalists on the planet w a sizable following, one might even reasonably believe it’s your duty to examine them.
Please rise to the occasion, do the right thing, and continue your brave search for truth.
Abiding thanks,
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.
Other formats: Sept. 2022 small-print, footnoted PDF (67 pages); Sept. 2022 large-print, footnoted PDF (101 pages); Nov. 2022 Statutory History Orientation Memo (45 pages); Dec. 2022 Legal Structures Outline (2 pages), Jan 2023 Legal History American Domestic Bioterrorism Program (14 pages); Jan. 2023 Kill Box slide deck (18 pages); Feb. 2023 Kill Box slide deck (36 pages); March 2023 PDF with live links but no footnotes (46 pages).
Sasha Latypova video: COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm PANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES Stockholm, 21st- 22nd January 2023 https://lakaruppropet.se/international-conference-pandemic-strategies/
Report to DARPA: of Major Joe Murphy USMC Marine Program Liaison August 2021https://assets.ctfassets.net/syq3snmxclc9/2mVob3c1aDd8CNvVnyei6n/95af7dbfd2958d4c2b8494048b4889b5/JAG_Docs_pt1_Og_WATERMARK_OVER_Redacted.pdf
David Martin video
" I still, STILL, get people who just cannot, will not consider that the World is Captured by Elite Interests and that these Elite Interests want to kill you.
...if this is so, then it explains everything. Every single anomaly.— Sage Hana
In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Globalist Agendas Would Unfold, Tape #3
Tape #3 of the series is an interview format conducted by Randy Engel. Physician Lawrence Dunegan recollects Richard Day's chilling 1969 warnings foretelling what has happened over the last 54-years
APR 24
Without a doubt, the Day Tapes are the strongest collection of evidence of Creative, Patient Intelligence.
Most people are not going to take the 2-4 hours to listen or the one hour to read the first three transcripts.
It’s all there.
It is all there.
Falsifying science, real vs. ostensible reason, wrecking the family structure, disrupting society, surveillance planet strategies…all there.
No martyrs. No off ramps. People would just disappear.
Terrorism could be employed as needed."
The Good Club Cull Overlays Exactly with What Was Long Planned, What Hebbened, and What Continues to Hebben
Convergent Logic Lines Up Every Dot
JUN 27
The Shibboleth of “hebben” is that of a small child mispronouncing a word whilst pointing out the obvious to the adults.
This Shibboleth is rooted in the parable of The Emperor Has No Clothes.
The emperor has no clothes
Used to describe a situation in which the general population is unwilling to recognize or admit the obvious shortcomings, issues, or flaws in a powerful or popular person or thing. Taken from the Hans Christian Andersen fable "The Emperor's New Clothes," in which a vain emperor is sold imaginary clothing (i.e., nothing at all) by two weavers who promise him that it is visible only to the wise and cannot be seen by those who are ignorant, incompetent, or unfit for their position.
Fine, I'll say it—yesterday's disastrous press conference is just the latest example of how incompetent the prime minister is. How does he still have so many supporters? Why can't they see that the emperor has no clothes?
The company's newest device is, in fact, a complete waste of money, but so many people are invested in their brand loyalty that they refuse to admit that the emperor has no clothes.
The parable goes on as adults go along with the ruse because they don’t want to appear to be stupid or naive and they behold a Naked Emperor and nod along pretending to see a fine suit of magical thread.
A precursor to the Asch Experiment, yeah?
The Asch Conformity Experiments, conducted by psychologist Solomon Asch in the 1950s, demonstrated the power of conformity in groups and showed that even simple objective facts cannot withstand the distorting pressure of group influence.
Think about how old The Emperor has no Clothes is.
It’s a known known.
That people will just…go along.
It’s part of our nature.
The ruse is broken when a small child points out that the Emperor has not Clothes.
This Stack is unique in some ways.
I do not hail from any field involved with the Operation.
I do not hail from Big Tech.
I did not spend my life creating military “countermeasures” with the ostensible reason of “keeping the troops safe”.
I did not spend time working on The Human Genome Project or studying how to deploy anthrax in Rhodesia or working on Wall Street.
This Stack is self limiting.
It absolutely puts one into a double bind.
I used to apologize for this on the regular.
I’ve had private conversations with an overeducated Stacker who acknowledges that almost every election since JFK was rigged and yet cannot get past “vote harder”.
Three years into the patently absurd and globally constructed COVID-19 Psychological Operation from Hell and I still, STILL, get people who just cannot, will not consider that the World is Captured by Elite Interests and that these Elite Interests want to kill you.
And that if this is so, then it explains everything.
Every single anomaly.
Every dot is now connected.
Because you now realize…that people will in fact, just go along.
And it implicates the nice people who come on your rectangle and soothe your mind with patent bullshit with patent obfuscation.
Hanging out with those who manage to get over that and keep traveling across that river clarifies what is real, what is fake, what cannot be determined.
Over time, the dots form a pattern.
The pattern does not go away.
Without a doubt, the Day Tapes are the strongest collection of evidence of Creative, Patient Intelligence.
Most people are not going to take the 2-4 hours to listen or the one hour to read the first three transcripts.
It’s all there.
It is all there.
Falsifying science, real vs. ostensible reason, wrecking the family structure, disrupting society, surveillance planet strategies…all there.
No martyrs. No off ramps. People would just disappear.
Terrorism could be employed as needed.
Bamboozled by Bullshit, Episode #1, "The War on Terror" *Warning Graphic Images*
JUN 15
The predictive programming Hollywood Entertainment DePop movies which have been update for the modern day with Pandemic Movies and series and so forth.
And Netflix Train Derailment Movies about Trains derailing with dioxin on board burned off in the Ohio Valley.
All there.
All there.
“Everything is in place and nothing can stop us now.”
The “everything” was the internet which was coming, me thinks.
They've Been Wanting to Kill You For a While Now, Ep. 5
JULY 25, 2022
Watch now (2 min) | Still think it’s just Dolts Botching Shit?
Rockefellers All the Way Down, 2.0: Do Kirsch, RFK, Jr. and Bob just want to be part of the Oprah-Bill Gates "Good Club"?
Ralph Baric was Researching Coronavirus Induced Myocarditis BACK IN THE 80s/90s
Promo Code: TLAV/and, uh…Gumby for Christ. So we know all about the US-Wuhan-Ralph Baric-Eco Health- Fauci pipeline. Dr. Peter is alluding to some of that below. But this goes back sooooooo much further, y’all. Quick Note also that Twitter is straight up trolling you with this shit:
1987 Pub Med Study on Rabbit Coronaviruses and the Heart
March 19, 2020: "So basically we have no weapons in our arsenal". Tim Sheahan, UNC, on the need for Remdesivir to treat new coronaviruses
SEPTEMBER 27, 2022

Promo Code: Kathleen Janoski Yes, this is University of Ralph Baric Bioweapon Central in Chapel Hill, NC. Tarheel Genocide Land. The magical part is where Sheahan discusses all the new coronaviruses that have emerged in the last twenty years! And now they have this wondrous new drug to treat them. Remdesivir!
Dr. Mike Yeadon: "By Summer of 2020...something awful is happening."
JULY 25, 2022
Watch now (2 min) | Here’s the smoking gun going into the Cull. They all picked the spike. We aaaallll bundle. Why? Next I’m going to find the video where Dr. Mike explains how the UK ordered up lots of end of life drugs, such as Midazolam and morphine to expedite the Culling through the surge of hospitalizations…and blew right through them.
Conspiracy Theory Friday: 40-days in 2019. Three Predictive Programming Events. Pandemic.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
The Sympathetic Narrator

Nicholas Creed 6 hr agoLiked by Igor Chudov All roads lead to serfdom and depopulation. Our abusers cannot stop because the minute they do, they will be held accountable. The mob will come for them and literally tear their bodies apart in the streets. The tyrants can only double down on their multi-faceted strategies deployed for control, indoctrination, …
"Don't Ever Let Them Hurt You"
MAR 13
Watch now (9 min) | “Don’t ever let them hurt you…” Bastards. I don’t think you get buy-in on global coordinated evil without a plausible greater good story as cover, although it sure as shit helps if you bribe people like crazy with lots of perks to not look behind that curtain.
Here is another three and on half hours that will at the very least explain how the Rich People that Own the World
Brave Sasha and Katherine helped me see the planning better than any two real life detectives.
Both of them as far as I can tell did not start out where they are now.
They just started researching and kept going.
Sasha’s revelations of the contracts with the DOD was huge, but that is not the most salient takeaway for me.
I had already basically arrived at the only Central Command that made sense using Etch a Sketch Convergent Logic.
Sasha most definitely cinched that angle.
However the real missing piece that fell into place was Sasha’s observation that the fake testers of the gene editing injections did not know that they were doing Performance Art trials.
And I don’t know if the Lovable Heroes on your rectangle know.
They have teams and if Sasha is just now waking up the Latest Anointed Hero (and he is anointed, of that I'm about 80% sure now), then that shows an appalling lack of curiosity on the part of LAH, does it not?
And Dr. Mike Yeadon had prior speculated how the Greater Good Cull was probably presented to the Arderns and Trudeaus and it was probably under the guise of climate change.
Just get the jabs in the arms.
The Turbo Cancer will come later.
We’ll release other poisons along the way. Trains. Food.
We’ll bury the train story for a week. Maybe nobody will notice.
And if they do?
So what?
WE own the nodes. WE own the rectangle. WE anoint, we give, we take away.
Nothing can stop us now.
Just execute the plan.
"For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.”
- Simon Wiesenthal