Fired MDs & RNs Finally Seek Justice From Culpable Conflicted U of California Regents
Corruption, Conflicts of Interest and Fraud
Below are some hard scientific and legal truths most people remain unaware of, extracted from the 96 page complaint of fired MDs & RNs seeking justice in an action against their corrupt tormentors, the U of California Regents.
(The culpability of US DOD, HHS, NIAID, FDA, CDC and others in these matters is not referenced in the suit, albeit readily evidenced at:
Sasha Latypova: Evidence of intent to harm / stockholm rumble.comSasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to HarmPANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES Stockholm, 21st- 22nd January 2023 More event information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Report to DARPA: of Major Joe Murphy USMC Marine Program Liaison August 2021
Re: David Martin
WULBRECHT, R.N., on behalf of themselves and a class of
similarly situated individuals,
(My emphasis added)
Vaccine Injuries and Spike Protein Diseases
76. Since the rollout of the Covid injections, and the mandates that required them, a growing field of doctors and scientists have devoted their time and careers to looking into the mechanisms of injury caused by the Covid injections, and the spike proteins that are generated thereby. Medical evidence and respected medical opinions indicate that manufacturers, regulators and the University of California knew that pre-marketing study data indicated the injections would fail to produce immunity and would cause tremendous harm. Pfizer’s 6-month report showed no all-cause morbidity or mortality benefit, and that more people who got the injection died and were injured than those who got the placebo. Over 99% of the population other than those over 70 years old survive infection. One study of twenty five seroprevalence surveys representing 14 countries shows median infection fatality rates of 0.0013% for ages 0 to 19; 0.0088% for ages 20 to 29; 0.021% for ages 30 to 39; 0.042% for ages 40 to 49; 0.14% for ages 50 to 59; and 0.65% for ages 60 to 69. Even for the elderly, the infection fatality rate had a mean of 2.9%, with a range between 0.2% and 16.8%. In light of the human body’s ability to fight an infection on its own, Pfizer had to inject 22,000 study participants to avoid one Covid death. This means that, assuming such data to be accurate, injecting 220 million Americans might avoid 10,000 possible Covid-related deaths.
77. Medical evidence and respected medical opinions indicate that adverse events and deaths associated with the mass Covid-injection campaign are staggering. This is not surprising to anyone familiar with the history of coronavirus vaccines. There has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine – despite multiple past attempts. In pre-clinical animal studies of the modRNA technology on ferrets and “humanized mice,” the biologic therapies led to “pathogenic priming,” where the study animals died after exposure to the wild virus or other pathogens. Combined with ADE and VAIDS, the injections have been shown to cause blood clots, neurological diseases, auto-immune disorders, increases in cancers and a host of other life-threatening or disabling conditions. Thus, initial trial data indicated that in the 22,000 injections required to avoid one Covid death, there was a fivefold increase in excess fatal cardiac arrests and congestive heart failures for injected individuals. Pfizer’s own initial study showed the injections kill five individuals from these cardiac conditions in the first three months for every Covid death avoided. Subsequently, under Court order, FDA released some of Pfizer’s post-marketing safety data, including a long list of over 1,290 adverse events of special interest. Expert analysis of such trial data confirm the injections are hurting the health of the population by far in excess over those purportedly helped.
78. Medical evidence and respected medical opinions indicate the number of deaths connected to the Covid biologics in the first 6 months alone eclipsed the number of deaths associated with all other vaccines reported in VAERS in 30 years combined. As of March 29, 2022, VAERS showed over two million adverse events and more than 26,000 deaths associated with these injections in the United States. These data are the tip of the iceberg. A Harvard study before the pandemic revealed only about 1% of adverse events from vaccines are reported. Since the start of the disastrous campaign, reliability on VAERS to present a comprehensive view of harm caused is even more doubtful, as the pharmaceutical industry, hospital administrators and government regulators have worked together to undermine reporting and investigation, and to hide the clear safety signals present in the VAERS data. CDC only recently began a review of these data, which show clear safety signals for death and a range of highly concerning thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system and menstrual adverse events (AEs) among U.S. adults.
79. Although health officials have declined to conduct appropriate follow up, qualified independent experts (including pathologist Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and colleagues) have performed autopsies on individuals who died post-injection, where the reported cause of death made no reference to vaccination status. Based on these autopsies, experts determined the injections were as the likely cause of death in most patients studied. The autopsies revealed that vital organs had come under auto-immune attacks by killer lymphocytes. Auto-immune diseases are to be expected, since the very theory behind the modRNA injections is to cause one’s cells to express antigens to trigger the body’s immune response. The injections themselves are designed to cause auto-immunity.
80. Other data and reliable expert opinions indicate that the injections cause severe rise in all-cause mortality, myocarditis and other heart/blood disorders, immune dysfunction and rising cancer rates, infertility in both men and women and other damage to women’s health issues, auto-immunity, prion diseases and others. Doctors, scientists and others who are devoted to helping the vaccine injured have studied and gone a long way towards determining the precise mechanisms of the injuries.
81. Health Data from countries and states with high levels of vaccination show a steep rise in “all-cause mortality” after the injections. These include Israel, Australia, Portugal, Gibraltar, England, Wales, Scotland, Vermont and Massachusetts, among others. Testimony by a former life insurance executive whistleblower revealed the industry sits on a gold mine of statistical data, including proof of a 40% rise in all-cause mortality above expected actuarial calculations. Strikingly, death struck age groups and individuals not at risk from dying from SARS-CoV-2 infection. The United States Social Security Death Master File indicates a 60% increase in death rate in September 2021 versus September 2020. Moreover, disability in the United States rose dramatically soon after the injections were rolled out, with a 3-sigma increase in reported disabilities….
...Corruption, Conflicts of Interest and Fraud
85. Evidence of corruption, conflicts of interest and fraud provides additional bases to support University employees’ decisions to withhold consent to the mandated injections. For example, systematic suppression of studies and data demonstrating that well known, safe and effective early treatments exist for individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infections, including Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Such medications are used by doctors and patients around the world, and where they are used, Covid infection rates and deaths are low ()2An interview of Dr. Thomas discussing these data analyses can be accessed online at: or non-existent. These medications are no longer under patents, however, and the pharmaceutical industry and interested institutions – including the University of California – cannot make huge profits off of them. As such, the mandates are more about generating profits from biologics and other newly patented technology designed to treat Covid infections (and the harmful conditions that result from the injections). Under EUA laws, makers of the biologics could not gain authorization if the truth about alternative treatments were revealed and/or considered by a non-corrupted agency.
86. Pharmaceutical makers committed scientific and legal fraud in the design of studies for authorization and approval. Among other acts, they unblinded and then cherry picked participants to include persons completely healthy in the treatment group, and to exclude reports of adverse results from that group after injections. These companies then further unblinded group status to the placebo group, taking measures to inject those individuals with the biologic. This effectively eliminated the control group. In this fashion, the companies hid the waning efficacy and the long term harms of the injections. This design underlies the very core of the University’s Mandatory Injection Policy, which seeks to reduce or eliminate the group of “non-injected” individuals, whose health compared to that of injected individuals demonstrates the lack of safety and efficacy of the injections.
87. The University’s Mandatory Injection Policy amounts to false advertising and fraud. Because the biologics were authorized through the EUA process, makers are not permitted to advertise their experimental products. Fraudulent arrangements were reached, however, with governments and universities – including the University of California – to create a public promotional campaign on behalf of the industry’s products. The challenged Policy is an example of false advertising, as it falsely promotes experimental treatment as safe and effective without objective evidence and contrary to known facts.
88. Conflicts of interest permeate the pharmaceutical giants, government regulators and academic institutions. While officials and employees of FDA, CDC and NIH engage in a “revolving door” with the pharmaceutical industries, the institutions themselves have direct ties to the products, in grants, patent rights, fees and other arrangements. Moreover, the captured agencies expanded that corruption by granting significant funds to the University through NIAID funds and other foundation contributions. The University of California is currently receiving substantial funds from pharmaceutical industries funneled through NIAID, as well as its own Intellectual Property rights, with more than 5,000 active United States patents and more than 5,000 active foreign patents. The University’s health research is a major part of its research enterprise, with more than $7 billion spent each year on research, more NIH funding than any other institution (more than twice the funding of institutions with the second-most funding) and nearly 10% of academic research output in the United States. Based on its economic interests, which override its interests in ethics and public health, the University is heavily invested in the modRNA technology. Funding includes Phase 3 clinical data on adverse events, which would require the University to research and determine the harms caused by these injections. The University is also heavily committed to the development of future modRNA therapies, including edible “vaccinations” bio-engineered into lettuce. This commitment carries a particular risk of impacting persons, by subjecting them to therapies without their informed consent and a host of other ethical problems. After allowing itself to be infected by the influence of money, the University is conflicted, unable to fill its role of developing medical technology to benefit public health.
89. In contrast to this vast body of medical evidence and expert medical opinions, the University of California has eviscerated informed consent by mandating injections while failing to provide medical information necessary to make informed decisions. Facts known or readily knowable to the University of California suggested the Mandatory Injection Policy is fundamentally flawed, but to protect its conflicted financial interests and those of its compromised administrators, the University has failed to disclose – and has even suppressed – medical evidence which reasonably would have made employees and others to hesitate before getting the injection. This information includes the University’s own medical ethics rules and guidelines which had previously elevated the fundamental precept of informed consent. It includes the grant applications and study proposals showing that modRNA technology remains experimental.
Warner Mendenhall, OH Bar No. 70165
(Pro Hac Vice application forthcoming)
190 North Union Street, Suite 201
Akron, OH 44304
Tel: (330) 535-9160
Fax: (330) 762-9743
Jeremy L. Friedman, CA Bar No. 142659
2801 Sylhowe Road.
Oakland, Ca. 94610
Tel: (510) 530-9060
Fax: (510) 530-9087
Attorneys for plaintiffs Christopher Rake, M.D.,
Tara Vafaeenia, R.N., Michael Palladino, N.D.,
Kelly Brink, R.N. Jan Maisel, M.D., Ph.D.,
Angela Wulbrecht, R.N., and putative class member