Bio-Weapons Expert Warns of IMMINENT Attempted Takeover of US
You Thought It Couldn't Happen Here, But You're Wrong
You thought it couldn’t happen here in “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” but you were wrong. You thought your government operated with your best interests at heart, but you were wrong. You thought the system was only infected with petty corruption, and that when push came to shove, your elected reps and gov. officials would do the right thing, but you were sadly, very wrong.
If anything, the past few years have seen us deceived, abused and grievously injured by a powerful cabal of elite interests whose objectives were not the health and welfare of the American people, but the selfish realization of their own goals of vastly increased power, authority, and gargantuan profits. (Some also liked the idea of fewer “useless eaters”to get in their way, but that’s another story).
It happened because most people didn’t pay sufficient attention to what was there in plain sight, if only they'd looked a little harder; if only they’d been a little more curious, discerning of the truth— and less willing to accept the deadly lies relentlessly heaped on them by a variety of oath-betraying grifters who’d sold them (and themselves) out for nothing more than lucre.
And now comes yet another opportunity to save ourselves from the truly unthinkable fate an international consortium of venal vultures are working overtime to impose on us.
Dr. Francis Boyle is a human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.(
In the 10 min video below, he warns that The WHO, fronting for and on behalf of Big Pharma, Bill Gates, The CDC, Anthony Fauci, The Bio-Medical-Security Industrial Complex, and the Chinese Communist Party (among others), are about to override U.S. sovereignty and eliminate the Constitutional rights of US Citizens to make their own health decisions, by deceitful implementation of a treaty and rules that would give the WHO absolute control and dictatorial powers over our medical decisions. That would of course also significantly advance WEF and international bankster designs for our economic and political enslavement, and their further enrichment via Central Bank Digital Currencies and One World Government tyranny.
In 1985 Boyle drafted the US legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. Over his long and illustrious career, he has advised numerous international bodies in the areas of human rights, war crimes and genocide, nuclear policy, and bio-warfare. From the very first words out of this mouth you know this is a serious guy. Not a crank or a raving maniac, but a highly informed and perceptive authority, trying his best to save his country (and the rest of the world) from utter disaster. Please invest 11 minutes to hear what he has to say and judge for yourself.
Dr. Francis Boyle: Stop The WHO Health System Takeover!
"For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.”
- Simon Wiesenthal